Tag Archives: european parliament

Time to shout “STOP”…..March Against Monsanto.

4 May


On May 25th of this year a great event is happening. Where is it happening?  Everywhere! If you check out  http://www.march-against-monsanto.com   you will find marches organised to protest against the giant corporation that is Monsanto. All over the World marches are scheduled. We must make our feelings felt. Not only to Monsanto but also to our governments, for they are the ones allowing Monsanto to infiltrate our farms, gardens and allottments.


Tami Monroe Canal, creator or the now viral Facebook page March Against Monsanto, says she was inspired to start the movement to protect her 2 daughters. “I feel Monsanto threatens their generations health, fertility and longevity. I could’nt sit by idly, waiting for someone else to do something.”

My own reason for supporting this movement is because I believe in freedom. Freedom to grow my own food, food that I feel happy to eat. Freedom to save seeds from the plants that I grow. Freedom to distribute them as I please among other growers. Monsanto wants to curtail these freedoms, because these freedoms don’t put money in their pockets. In the European Parliament on Monday next  Regulation on Plant Reproductive Material goes before the EU Commissioners. Hopefully our freedoms will be upheld. Whatever happens I shall continue to grow and save seeds from crops that I have been growing out for years. Crops that are acclimatised to our climate and soil conditions. Many others will do the same. More power to them!!


Recently in America, the Obama administration passed the so called “Monsanto Protection Act,” that amongst other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s GM seeds. I find that shocking. Governments used to be elected to protect the interests of citizens. Now citizens are consumers and law makers and corporations work hand in glove with each other.

People are starting to wake up…to shout “NO.”

Peru has passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.

Hungary has banned GM seeds. It was recently discovered that 1000 acres of maize were growing from GM seeds. They were immediately ploughed under. Good for you Hungary!

Make your feelings known. March on May 25th. Let Monsanto and our governments know that we will not accept the rule of Monsanto.

There are Irish marches against Monsanto in Dublin and Cork. The Dublin march starts at the Garden of Remembrance and onto the Dept of Agriculture.