Archive | September, 2014

The Supermoon, Social Media, Genocide, the Sisterhood, and Why Some Artists Get up In The morning.

4 Sep

Hi folks! Sorry for nor blogging for some time but there are major changes happening in my life right now. I need time to absorb and readjust to these happenings. All is well, do not worry my friends.
The post I am reblogging is written by my good friend Charlie Easterfield. She writes of how the scandal of what is happening to Palestine and it’s people has affected her.

charlie easterfield

Well, it’s been a hectic few weeks since the Supermoon…a veritable roller coaster of deeply disturbing world news, with a blog writing itself in my head all the time but not given the space or time to manifest. And now I’m at risk of alienating readers with my outspoken views….. so it goes.

Super moon, 3 DSCF9379
A few days before the full moon, I was making signs for a candlelit vigil for Gaza.That evening I sat out on my verandah, bathed in moonlight, and I had an overwhelming feeling of Oneness with all Humanity….One World, One Sun, One Moon shining down on all Beings….one Earth to cherish.

Super moon, 1 DSCF9376 As with sunsets, it’s impossible to convey the feeling off a full moon with a photograph…you need to feel the temperature, hear the sounds of the night….but when I see this photo the feelings I had that night all come back to me.


And yet for most of the…

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