Archive | March, 2015

In the Woods.

8 Mar


Wouldn’t this be a nice entrance to one’s home…or maybe it’s a bit too pretentious for a country cottage! This is the old entrance to Kilronan Castle just outside the village of Keadue in County Roscommon. It was here we met today for the second Bards in the Woods of the year. The first was last week at Hazelwood near Sligo but I didn’t get to that one.


Just beyond the entrance is this impressive folly which is known locally as the Fairy House. It is believed that it was used by the occupants of the castle as a place where they could play at being peasants. The roof is long gone as are the toffs in the castle. Very pretty isn’t it?  The castle has a new lease of life now as a popular hotel.




As I waited for the others to arrive I walked a little by the shore of Lough Meelagh. Something so very soothing about the sound of lapping water.



About a dozen people turned up  and we set off happily on our walk. The weather was ideal…sunny but not too warm.



Spotted this Oak tree with what looks like a deer head growing out of it.


At the place called The End of the World we rested a while and had a cup of tea.


John recited a couple of his own compositions here.


What more could a body want on a beautiful sunny Sunday? Beside a beautiful lake, listening to poetry, the company of good friends and a picnic when we returned to the folly. Perfection!


A lovely Sunday in the woods!